Friday, July 18, 2014

DIY: Real Life Pinterest

Hey guys, I've got something a little bit different for you today, I hope you enjoy! I'm pretty sure I don't need to explain what Pinterest is to anyone, but long story short its like an online cork/bulletin board for everything you like. (warning: shameless self promotion - you can check out my pinterest here).
Anyway, a while back I decided to try and get a bit crafty and make my own real life version of Pinterest. This is basically just a super simply DIY thing to do when you're bored, but I've also found it helps get me inspired.  It's a lot of fun and also gives me an excuse to buy more magazines, so I figured I'd share it with you guys.

Step #1: Get a binder. You don't have to go out and get anything fancy, but you'll need a place to store the pages you clip. I actually got mine at a local thrift store, so don't feel like you need an expensive one for this to work. You'll also need some of those transparent sheet protectors. If I'm explaining this badly, just check the pictures below and you'll see what I mean. They're also available at office supply stores and Walmart or Target.
Step #2: Go through any magazines you've got around and cut out any pages or articles you like or want to keep for future reference or inspiration. For example, if I see an ad with makeup I'd like to recreate or a fashion article I like, I'll cut them out. I use an exacto knife, but scissors work fine too.
Step #3: Put the pages into the sheet protectors and then into the binder. You can organize however you want, though mine aren't in any particular order (as you can probably tell). I put two sheets back to back in one page protector, so that the sides with the article I clipped face outwards.

And that's pretty much it! Like I said, it's really simple and just kind of a cool thing to look through from time to time. If you do end up trying this out, tweet me or comment and let me know! I'd love to hear from you!
- Faith Lorraine
P.S Sorry for the terrible photos, my camera was apparently not feeling it today.

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